Ercan KOLDEMİR graduated from Istanbul University Chemistry department in 1967, as a chemical engineer with a masters level degree. Immediately upon graduation, he joined PETKIM Petrochemicals which had just been founded as the first plastics production institution of Turkey back in the time. He took positions in various roles including project management, supply chain management and production management spending 8 full years before he resigned to found his own company. Polivinil Plastik, founded in 1975, is a company that produces and markets PVC materials and chemicals. It has been in business for over 40 years.
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce
149057 / 18.08.1977
Polivinil Plastik Trading Company
Seyrantepe Cihan Sokak No:18 Kağıthane- 34408 / İstanbul -Türkiye
Phone:0-212-280 49 98 Fax:0-212-282-84-11
2.000.000 TL (İkimilyon Türk Lirası)
Ercan KOLDEMİR (Chemical Engineer)
0732 0053 9110 0012